The environment – Environmental policy
Under the terms of the environmental policy the company Turnov Screw Mill a.s. undertakes to follow mainly the below principles:
- Comply with the valid provisions of all legal regulations, i.e. laws, directives and decrees related to the protection of the environment, safety of labour and fire prevention during the process of the development, production, storage and transportation of the company products.
- Continuously improve the technical parameters of the production equipment in accord with the latest scientific knowledge and comply with the emission limits in all production and non-production activities concerning all sectors of the environment.
- Regularly inspect the environmental system of the company management including setting and analyzing the environmental objectives and their values including the motivation of the employees to meet the objectives set in the environmental policy.
- Observe the educational programme to improve the awareness of the company employees concerning the principles of the protection of the environment and the principles of their ecological behaviour.
- Communicate and consult basic issues related to the protection of the environment and health protection in the course of work with the staff and the public and respect their opinions and recommendations.
- Cooperate with respective authorities, municipalities and parties interested with the intention to respect the state and regional environmental policy.
- Document, implement and maintain the environmental policy and communicate it to all staff and pass it on to the public in a suitable way.
- Improve the awareness and knowledge in the issues concerning the protection of the environment, safety and health protection of the staff by means of systematic education.
- Push through the environmental policy towards the company suppliers.
The environmental policy is obligatory for the staff and its observation belongs to their basic duties.
The environmental profile of the company
The complete wording of the environmental profile of the company Turnov Screw Mill a.s. can be seen with PVE.